Friday, November 27, 2009


So I'm teaching two
post Thanksgiving yoga classes today at Steelwood Country Club. I just started this privately about a month ago and have gotten really positive feedback and interest. My first class is Yoga Flow and the second class in Gentle Restorative Yoga. All in all I'm teaching to beginners which is a challenge for me as a teacher.

So today I have planned a basic sequence for my Yoga Flow class. It goes something like:

Cat/cow warm up
AMS (Down Dog)
Lunges and revolve lunge
Standing poses : Warrior II , parsvokonasana, Tree pose
Prone position for Locust and quadricep stretch
Ab work, bridges, cooling sequence

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving !

I am grateful for my health, my family, and my life. Well actually I'm really frustrated because this is the SECOND Thanksgiving in a row I've been sick with a cold or some kind of respiratory junk. But I'm "practicing" gratitude today and so at least I don't have swine flu - at least I don't think I do - well I would be running fever. OK enough hypochondriasis for today. So I've planned this nice family day in Stockton and I'm just hoping I get through it without sniffling, sneezing, and coughing on my other hypochondriacal family members.

I decided to start blogging to document my journey as I enter my second year of yoga teaching, my third year of mothering, my fourth year of wifehood, and my 35th year of life. Oh what a journey. And I delightfully named my blog Move Through Your Flow since I teach Flow Yoga classes and say this little expression quite frequently in my classes. I also have to remind myself every day that life is a flow and the more I learn to move with the flow instead of resisting the happier I will be. If I can stay grounded. Yes grounded. Definitely one of my own personal themes.

So I've suffered with recurring vertigo for the past several years and more frequently since the birth of my son. Vertigo meaning wake up in the middle of the night with the room spinning violently around you - not fun AT ALL. Yes try getting up in the morning with a baby as you crawl down the hall, get the baby out of the crib, and then immediately get back down on the floor. I figure if I'm grounded I won't fall and drop the baby. Since I've gotten several diagnoses : benign positional vertigo, migraine associated vertigo, psychosomatic illness yada yada yada I've just decided myself that this spinning out of control sensation stems from my feeling out of control in my life. Back to grounding. If I stay connected to the Earth, I won't spin away right ? So whenever I begin to feel out of control or slightly anxious I sit in meditation, visually ground myself, and just bump up the self care skills. You know MORE time for myself ( I'm really good at self care ). It seems to be working as I've had LESS vertigo in the past 6 months.

Signing off for now - more to come ! Happy Turkey Day ... may all being be happy, safe, and peaceful. Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu .... xoxo